Starting Strength
Starting Strength is one of the most popular and proven beginner strength programs out there. Designed by Mark Rippetoe to be as straightforward and effective as possible, it uses basic barbell lifts, linear progression, and simple rep schemes. Workouts are performed three times a week with at least one rest day in between. A full explanation of this tried and true program is available in the Starting Strength book along with a lot of other invaluable information.
Phase 1
Day A and B are the same other than alternating between overhead press and bench press. This phase usually lasts 1-3 weeks and progression is fast, with 5 to 10 more pounds added to each lift than the previous session.
Phase 2
In the second phase, in addition to alternating between overhead press and bench press, you'll now be alternating between deadlifts and power cleans. The rationale for this change is that your deadlift is now too heavy to recover from if done three times a week. Progression between sessions is generally 5 pounds.
Phase 3
Phase 3 introduces your first upper body pulling exercise, the chin up. These are done on Day B, and deadlifts and power cleans are now alternated on Day A. If you're able to do 10 bodyweight chin ups, weighted chin ups can be alternated in as well. Progression continues to slow down, and you will likely need to only progress by 2.5 pounds or by adding not adding weight every time.