Texas Method

The Texas Method is an intermediate strength program designed by Mark Rippetoe. It is a great standalone program as well as a followup for Starting Strength and shares much of its structure and simplicity. It utilizes basic barbell lifts, relatively simple rep schemes, and weekly progression. As an intermediate program, the workouts are structured to allow for more recovery.

The weights are based off of your 5RM for each core lift. So if your squat 5RM is 350, you should be lifting 315 for 5 sets of 5 on the volume day.

As in Starting Strength, overhead press and bench press are alternated, so if you benched the previous workout, make sure to overhead press this workout.

Mark Rippetoe's book, Practical Programming for Strength Training is a great resource for this and many other intermediate and advanced programs.

Volume Day: Texas Method
Recovery Day: Texas Method
Intensity Day: Texas Method


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